Wednesday, April 30, 2008


you made me go through all that trouble.....
changin the layout.
putting a new cbox.
and some other stuffs.

Added in a new cbox(:

Someone please change the template and get the chatbox back.i obviously dont know nuts about blog layouts,

DUDES at least i actually tried to do a layout unlike you Calvin,Complaining but doing nothing :)
nothing to say? kthxbai.

Change the friggin layout ffs

e layout suck ffs la
chris gtfo kk .

The Speciallest Post Off All

LOL no one is talking about my ex-wife kays. Plus he wore balck today! H.O.T.
by the way Annita here haha! I know.. the blogiie will be bored without me =p
So yeah that's all =))


fuck up'ed chris !
Quit posting ur gayy guitar layoutt .
Get a life bastard thx :D:D

New hair baybeh's

As shu yi was sayingg,most guys in our WONDERFULL class got our great hair -CUTTED
omfg ryt?

Most of the hawt guys got their hair cutted ;D:DD
like rafael adrian emuang ! calvin yap jun hoong !
Sanjiv Melvin SIAO ;DD
And the rest who is progress in getting hawt x]x]
lmao .

Rafaell adrian emuang who got his hair fucked my zaidi
Was soo emotional = /
i know ryt?x]
haha after school he and KEDRIC went straight to the barber
after school and shaved their wonderful heads x]

Rafael's hair turn out okayy x]
Kedrick was also okayy

not as bad as we expected x]

Worse comes worse they cant enter school and may not sit for exam omfg ryt?lmao
Hopefullyy their hair was not shaved terlalu banyak x]

Gawd bless them ;D

Thats all for todayy OUT

the moving barber shop

The Moving Barber Shop.

That's wad Rachel calls it(;
Well, a few guys from our class, their hair kena potong by some pro teacher.
En Zaidi.
Annita thinks that he is hot ==
He's not at all man. Most say that he has a solid ass=p

You shud have seen Rafael's brand new haircut! :D
It was AWsome x)
Awsome... as in awsome! The sarcastic wayyy
hahas. Calvin's hair also kena cut! His pointy mountain has now became a blunt mountain.
Awww. Sadd. Serve him ryt anyway..

Talk Guitar To ME =)

Woot! Hey everyone,everyone knows that im a guitar freak(I Think) ;D I started guitar when i was in form 2 during October,the reason i got influenced was because OF Asyrul Hafetzy(3A) he's a damn wicked guitarist and he only started learning in Form 1 November and he's like totally owning all the Metallica songs(Their not easy to play).Then i heard the Metallica songs which i thought they were a shit ass crap of noise xD,so i decided to delete my Metallica Songs that Asyrul had sent to me.Then one day while surfing on Youtube i saw the S&M(Symphony and Metallica) Version of Master Of Puppets and it was like finding the meaning of life again lol and i got addicted to metallica,sure some of you might say its just noise to the ears but isnt that whats music about? all noise and crap to pass your time ? xD.So now im a Metallica freak thanks to Asyrul and Syahirs influence.And now presenting the Guitar Gods Of Today which me/Asyrul/Syahir will want to get if we are able to ;D

<---Gibson Explorer Goth Edition

<---Gibson Explorer Custom

<---Gibson Les Paul Black Beauty edition

<---Flying V Silver Edition

<--American Stratocaster

These are one of the best guitars in the world.All in ALL the Gibson Les Paul despite its shape is the best sound conducter among all of the other guitars which have better looks.Followed by the Gibson Explorer then Flying V and lastly the Stratocaster.Those who are interested in watching the S&M Version of Master Of Puppets heres the link

So i guess that will be all for me for today.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Uhmm. Hey fellow humans.
Exams are just around the corner(:
So study hard, people of 3Bungaraya. Haha.
Especially all those lazy asses:D
You know hu im talkin bout ryt,
Anwys, mmm. Yeaa.
Dont study hard but study smart. I do not know how to do that but... just try to.
I know that I sound like a mum(x
Its already the 30th of April today.
Before you know it, we'll be sitting for our freakin pmr and then later.... screaming and laughing our asses of with joy.
Kayyy. That is just so lamee.

Guess that's bout it(:


First post.

Nothing much.
Jeremy fractured his arm! OMGGG :O
Big deal ==

guess that's bout it.